Saturday, February 4, 2012

Update on my museum experiences.

Sorry for the delay, I had some trouble uploading my pictures into my computer. I finally got them uploaded and I'm sorting through and writing about them all now. I am almost done, but I can't help but write a lot about all of them, so it was taking me some time.
In the meantime, I was able to visit the Yale Art Museum with my mother. I've been there before last semester and I enjoyed going back and seeing the additions they made in the Asian section. I love the modern art collection that they have. They also have some amazing classical, Renaissance and impressionist paintings.My favorite of course was Van Gogh's Le cafe' de Nuit (The Night Cafe'). I was able to get some great angles of the piece to show the thick paint in his technique. I actually got too close and a guard had to ask me to move back because the people watching the cameras thought I was touching the painting. I did some research to start my paper and found some very interesting things about him that I did not know. I cannot wait to research even more about him.

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